Another blog for Leigh's? Yes....and you will love this blog! I have had an idea that I have wanted to implement since last spring, but have just not had the time to bring it to fruition. My idea was to have two mannequins who would be seen around town at various venues and events in fabulous Leigh's fashion. These two mannequins would be named, have bios and be BFFs (best friends forever). I thought, the community might have fun with it, "Where are so and so going to be this week?" It also would be a great opportunity to give exposure to events, places and other retailers in our beautiful city of Grand Rapids. But, back to the time thing - where would I or any one of my team members find the time to do this...and do it well?
In late August, I had an "ah-ha" moment - wouldn't this be a great marketing internship for a college student? I posted on our Leigh's Facebook page that I was looking for an intern....and then I would have to be just the right person....someone who understood fashion and who could really run with this idea. Then "whaaallaaa" Diane Teall, a senior at GVSU, majoring in health communication with a minor in advertising and public relations, contacts me. I interviewed her (definitely a fashion girl) and told her about my grand idea - she loved it!!!
So here we are. Diane started mid-October. She developed our idea and put together a PowerPoint presentation for our Leigh's management team. In the presentation, she named our mannequins, developed personal and style bios for each of them, suggested where they could "be seen" and how we would communicate their adventures. Thus, we have this new blog and we are also adding an additional Facebook page for you to enjoy. you want to know their names?
Lola & Eloise (totally Diane's idea - love it!) Diane is handling all of their appearances (because they are very social and active in the community). You'll see their bios tomorrow - which you will get a kick out of!
I think we are all going to have a lot of fun with this! Stay tuned!